Our work.
At The Hunger Project we know that the people living in hunger are not the problem; they are the solution. We don’t see a billion mouths to feed, we see a billion human beings who are aspiring changemakers, entrepreneurs and innovators, eager to act. Our work is to unleash people’s capacity, creativity and leadership, so they can become the agents of their own development.
Critically, we provide them with a hand-up, not a hand-out. Once empowered, there is no one more determined, more willing and more capable to end their own hunger.
Where we work.
We comprise of 13 Programme countries, 12 Partner countries and a Global Office based in New York City. Our programmes are in Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Zambia, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, Bangladesh, Mexico and Peru.

Holistic approach.
Our programmes are based on an innovative, holistic approach that empowers people with the skills, knowledge and resources they need to break the poverty cycle themselves and ending hunger sustainably.
As we adapt to meet local challenges and opportunities wherever we work, our programmes have a wide range of objectives such as empowering women, improving maternal health, engaging local governments, supporting small holder farmers on climate resilience, educating girls and ending child marriage.
Everything we do must always have three vital ingredients.



A crucial part of our work is changing a person’s mindset from “I can’t” to “I can” and ultimately to “we can”. This process often begins in the participation of a Vision, Commitment and Action (VCA) Workshop, designed and delivered by The Hunger Project and our volunteer ‘animators’. Over 2 million people have attended this workshop, with 86% of people now convinced that they can design their own future.
Our community-led approach means we create deep partnerships and long-lasting, sustainable impact wherever we work.
For example, in Africa, our holistic approach takes the form of an Epicentre Strategy. Over 1 million people are living a hunger-free, self-reliant future thanks to our work.
We believe that investments in the resiliency of these communities, is key to addressing the current food crisis and the others that may emerge. Our work will continue to drive investments toward strengthening the capacity of rural communities, decreasing the reliance on external inputs, and diversifying livelihoods.
Our imperatives.
Our 2022 Strategic Framework identifies five imperatives, or themes, that are essential to recognise and work with in this era of The Hunger Project.
Women & girls
Food & nutrition
Climate change
Conflict & peace
Our programme areas.
Through our programmatic work, we create lasting change that breaks cycles of hunger and poverty. We do this by looking at the whole system that keeps hunger in place.

Community-led Development

The Epicenter Strategy

Nutrition & Health

Women’s Leadership

The Union Strategy


Girls’ Rights

Food & Climate