Legacy Giving

You Are Invited to Join Our Legacy Circle
The Hunger Project is funded by committed, visionary individuals — stakeholders in the long-term future of humanity. One powerful way to invest in that future is to include The Hunger Project in your estate planning.
There are several ways you can include a significant investment in the end of hunger through a planned gift or bequest.
Name The Hunger Project in Your Will. The most common planned investment is through your will, or a bequest. You can arrange for it to be a specific amount, a percentage, or all or part of the residual of your estate. Sample wording is available on our website.
Name The Hunger Project in Your Retirement Fund or Life Insurance. Naming The Hunger Project as a beneficiary of a retirement fund or life insurance policy will ensure that your commitment to The Hunger Project continues until the job is done.
Establish a Trust that benefits The Hunger Project.
Inspire Others! We would like to honor your commitment to include The Hunger Project in your estate — and inspire others to do the same — by listing you as a member of our Legacy Circle in our annual report and other publications.
Depending on the form your bequest or other planned investment takes, you may see significant tax advantages for yourself or your estate.
Join today! If you would like to join the Legacy Circle by including The Hunger Project in your estate planning, please contact diane.gault@thehungerproject.org.uk.