lesley_small16 May, 2011
On behalf of ‘Team Hunger’, The Board of Trustees and members of The Hunger Project team around the world, I would like to thank Lesley from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous support and dedication she has given so willingly to support the re-establishment of The Hunger Project UK. In particular, Lesley has provided unflinching support to me personally over the past 15 months that I have been Country Director for the UK and have played a key role in establishing our brand presence to a much wider and greater audience.

Dear Lesley, in particular, I would like to thank you for having the vision to establish our brand online not only by building our initial presence on Twitter and Facebook, but also by being a key member of the team who re-built the UK website to a standard that we can all be proud of. Well done. I would also like to thank you for the financial contributions you have made to The Hunger Project, as a monthly investor (which you have maintained despite considerable personal financial constraints), for the fundraising campaigns you have developed as a member of staff and for the considerable efforts you have made to bring the message of The Hunger Project to your personal networks – the wonderful event you created at Blenheim Palace last summer being a major highlight.

Quite simply, we could not have created and launched World Hunger Day had you not stood so firmly with the team during the many months of frustration, inspiration and sheer hard work that led to January 9th. You gave of yourself in a really passionate way and dedicated many more hours as a member of staff than could reasonably have been expected of you, I know often to the detriment of other aspects of your life. Thank you so much.

Lesley, no matter where the future takes you, I very much know that you will share the work of The Hunger Project and take with you the desire to end hunger and poverty in the world. You will always be a member of The Hunger Project family, we all very much hope that you will stay in touch and keep us updated about your new journey as it unfolds before you.

My very best wishes and thanks for all that you have done and for the wonderful person that you are.


Tim Holder
Country Director UK
The Hunger Project