The Hunger Project Senegal baking and pastry course for women


In December 2015 The Hunger Project UK’s supporters donated to our Big Give Christmas Appeal.

We are delighted to announce that these generous donations were doubled by the match-funding campaign. Thanks to this investment, we have been able to train entrepreneurial women from our programmes in Senegal in baking with a difference: baking using local accessible grains.

From cakes made with corn, to cow-pea beignets, the trainees are learning skills that they can turn into businesses to earn an income and support their families. They will also each share their new knowledge with tens of other women in their community.

“We can’t thank you enough, Hunger Project, for what you have done for us.”

Watch the video below from our own Bake Off tent in Senegal. And wait for the special message at the end. 


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