Why we are asking you to invest in a mother this Christmas
Human Rights Day, December 10 ends #16days of Activism Against Gender Violence >>
Women bear almost all responsibility for meeting basic needs of the family, yet are systematically denied the resources, information and freedom of action they need to fulfill this responsibility.
Stand in solidarity with women >>
The vast majority of the world’s poor are women. Two-thirds of the those who can’t read or write are female. Of the millions of school age children not in school, the majority are girls. And today, HIV/AIDS is rapidly becoming a woman’s disease. In several southern African countries, more than three-quarters of all young people living with HIV are women.
Human rights are women’s rights!
Around the world, millions of people eat two or three times a day, but a significant percentage of women eat only once. And, now, many women are denying themselves even that one meal to ensure that their children are fed.
These women are already suffering the effects of even more severe malnutrition, which inevitably will be their children’s fate as well.
Impact of our Programmes
Entrepreneurs: By providing women food farmers easy access to credit, adequate training and instilling in them the importance of saving, The Hunger Project’s (THP’s) Microfinance Programme enables women to engage in income-generating activities to increase their incomes and invest in their families and communities.
Gender/HIV/Family Planning: More than 1.3 million people (women and men) have taken the HIV/AIDS and Gender Inequality Workshop in rural villages across THP’s Epicentres. They not only learn the facts of AIDS, but also confront and transform the gender-based behaviours that fuel the pandemic.
India’s secret weapon! – 1.5 Elected Women in India: Our Women’s Leadership Workshop has empowered over 100,000 women elected to local councils to be effective change agents in their villages. They are forming district- and state-wide federations to ensure that their voices are heard at top levels of government.
Celebrate human rights for girls: In Bangladesh, we catalysed the formation of a 300-organisation alliance that organises more than 800 events across the country each September in honour of National Girl Child Day, a day to focus on eradicating all forms of discrimination against girl children.