by The Hunger Project UK | Jan 6, 2015 | Blog, Latest News
Many sustainability issues were addressed fifteen years ago when world leaders adopted the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – global targets to address extreme poverty and hunger, reduce child and maternal mortality, prevent disease and promote education. The lives...
by The Hunger Project UK | Mar 4, 2014 | Blog, Latest News
The Hunger Project is proud to be a part of the UN’s Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC). ZHC is a global declaration that “invites all nations to work for a future where everyone enjoys their right to food and all food systems are resilient.” To ensure the end hunger and...
by TheGoodAlliance | Mar 11, 2011 | Blog, Latest News
11 March, 2011 One of the major steps forward for The Hunger Project UK (THP-UK) last year, which came about as a result of the need to get our brand presence in better shape (in preparation for the launch of World Hunger Day), was the amazing partnership between our...
by TheGoodAlliance | Aug 29, 2010 | Blog, Latest News
and so……..we have a new website and I now have the opportunity to ‘blog’. I think the temptation is to pretend that I’ve been doing it for ages, write a few hurried entries and pre-date them. ‘Oh yes I’ve been blogging for a long time, haven’t you seen...